Justin Carmical

Justin Carmical 1971-2014
Over the last couple of years Justin Carmical has entertained all of us with his videoblogs. He has made videos about japanese candy, japanese cooking, manga and retro games. I have previously stated that this blogg is very much inspired and influenced by Justin's work. When I heard that he was no longer with us my first reaction was that someone must have made a mistake, it wasn't possible. I have had some contact with Jusin and he is just as nice and cheery in his contact with his fans as he is in his videos. Justin, who always has a smile on his face, who is always filled with energy and who always find some humerous comment, just can't be gone.
But sadly ... it appears that it really is that bad.
If you suspect that someone you know isn't feeling well, take it seriously. If you youself are having dark thoughts, talk to someone you know and trust and seek professional help. Rest in Peace Justin.